You make up your question. List all of the pluses, then all of the minuses....then what interesting facts you have stumbled upon, or interesting observations you have had regarding the question.
PMI is great for slowing you down to look at a question critically. To stop you in your tracks so that you can get a better read on any situation...unlike me when I bought the 6 design books..As I write this I am now reminded to do PMI with every question and purchase I make. It will sure help me to examine what I am doing before I do it and possibly make a mistake. I would love to hear from you how you might use, or if you are using PMI, how you use it. PMI, a critcal thinking skill.....
I would only amend "the" critical thinking tool, to "a" critical thinking tool. I know this only because I'm so damn critical! : )
Love ya CMK
Thanks A1Azen!! I am fixing that now. Funny thing is I used to live in Jacksonville, Fla. Used to travel that same road, and I agree it was conjested when I left in 1997.
Let me guess - You left to open a Surf Shop on the Jersey Shore because the surf in PVB sucks! : )
No Actually I am in Texas now, so hiking is more the mode of sport..I can't open your emails or I wouldn't be making you come to the blog...Give me a guess CMK? And you are right the surf does suck in PV except when there is a good storm, and of course no sharks....
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