Sunday, January 3, 2010

I am trying to figure out if I want to stay with wordpress or continue with blogger!

What to do...I am so so confused. Do I go with wordpress or stay with blogger. I am having a terrible time figuring out wordpress. It is hard to get the banner right, I can't figure out how to have my etsy stores linked. I can't figure out how to have other blogs listed on my sight. The only redeeming factor at this point is the pictures, and the interesting way you can lay them out. Neither blogspot, or wordpress show up with a I am about to throw my hands up and forget the whole thing. I am frustrated. DO I stay with blogger or go with Wordpress? Any help here would be great. I even attempted typepad, but that was confusing...and forget I am just not proficient enough on the technology yet...hope you are not as confused as I am. WHICH HAT DO I WEAR?

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