Saturday, January 23, 2010

Special SaturDays....SAturdays will be posted randomly as I find six days a week tough...

So Special Saturdays is going to be about sustainable living...My husband John concieved,and built this house. It is made of paper crete, and rasta block.  We have a hoot system as our septic system which turns black water to potable water, and we are on total solar power.  We have rain water catchment, and wells.  We are still trying to figure out how to grow food in the desert but alsas that still aludes me.  Our stove,and refrigerator run off of propane as does our heater.  What is so cool about this sustainable experiment is that we have no inconcviences, and it is as if we are still wired but without the bills.  Yes, there is an initial outlay, but you don't have to worry about raising rates,and fuel prices so much.  If anyone wants to know more I will be glad to go into more detail.  I will try to highlight a system that we used for others who are interested every week.  So if you are thinking sustainability...It is a great way to go!!!

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