Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday-DIY....Why don't we?

DIY...Why don't we.......look at what we can do with the illustrious toilet paper roll.

Okay what can we do with it besides fill the landfills and hope it decomposes.

* make candy pop its (in the picture).
* make a telescope for kids
* make a bullhorn for kids
* make a sculpture by stacking them one on top of each other...try painting them to give them a fabulous color scheme
* make a toy train tunnel
* make a votive for candles, but coat it with something so it doesn't catch fire
* make them into napkin holders, and decorate them

* use them for boxes for small gifts, then wrap them in pretty wrapping (see picture)
* make a mobile
* use them like leggos and build a house
* make a bug palace
Okay that is about all of the ideas I have for  now...DO you have any?

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