Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I was just thinking this am about all of the things I am grateful for living in Terlingua Texas...
I am greateful for:
the sunrises, and sunsets
the quiet beauty
the rainbows guiding the rains
the bright sun
the wildness of the area
the coyotes song
the cactus flowers
everyone waves as you drive by
the commaradie
our beautiful home
our neighbors
my husband and my children
my inlaws
my family
our health
life....thank you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More sketchbook projects

Here are some more pages from the sketchbooks as they go off to the Art Co-op.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A quick view of some of the sketchbook pages...

Here is a quick view of some of the sketchbook pages before they get sent out....Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

the Sketchbook Project sketchbook is coming alongcoming along

The Sketchbook Project sketchbook is coming along.  I have loaded it with collages, and photos and now I am about to draw, and write in it....maybe stamp a few pages...whatever the muse dictates. You can see I came out of my slump. 

But now I am headed into another. That is the odd thing about creativity it comes in fits and starts. It never seems to flow at all times. It may be because I have to wear so many hats-mom, student, emplyee, then I get to work on creative projects-in fits and starts.  Maybe I should call my life Fits and Starts...Have a great day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I am stuck!

I am stuck on my sketchbook. I am having a totally uninspired day.eeks. Everything I have tried to collage... well... is looking...ugly. I am going to put it away for now.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Collect, Collect, Collect

When ever I am about to start a new collage project, I collect, collect, collect.  I am about ready to start collage work for the Sketchbook Project (see the link below). So I  am collecting images, roots, herbs, vellum, wax paper, old empherma, old vintage naturalists prints, an assortment of papers and treasures that will make up this little sketchbook.  It helps me to see possibilities, look at things in new ways, and how things look together. Some might say I am making a big pile of a mess, others can see the creativity inherent in a pile.  What do you see, and how do you begin a project?