Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winding down January....with an added DIY

As I am winding down the month of January I have reviewed my lists to much still to do.

That brings me to the question of the blog...How much posting is enough much too little. I am finding after researching other blogs three to four posts seem to be ample per week, and who has the time for more... I do not know.  I was also looking at all of the categories I was trying to cover in one week, and I was just trying to take on too much, and by doing that, not able to do the proper research and writing for each one.  So I am going back to what I want out of my the form of artist dates..I will look for artistic inspiration and share it because as artists we all need a good store of inspiration.  Some other blogs that do an extrememly good job of that are, and  I am going to go along that road I think.  You can never have enough inspiration.  Next I will add a quote, or text that I love with a visual.  Using words and quotes in my work inspries me to collect quotes and such. I also like looking at new ways to use type. I will continue to write a creative thinking exercise as I alsways need a little boost...who doesn't, plus it is fun to exercise my brain with new ideas.  And lastly, a catch all day...whether it be a collection of photos I have taken , vintage prints, words, new work I want to share...who knows... that will be the fun of it...It is the post of question marks...whatever strikes the fancy that day...and suggestions are always welcome...Cheers and I hope the blog will be a fun exploration, a journey, a pilgrimage in creativity...xoMarie...

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