Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today we are going to talk about Alternatives....AN Alternative Life!  Come on dreams of 2010....What dreams, Hopes and wishes do you have for the New Year...Every Year around my Birthday I make a book of Dreams...I use a standard issue composition book you know the black and white kind...Then the magic starts....I write a list of all of the dreams, hopes and wishes I have for the year. I type it out and glue it down to the inside cover. It is like my table of contents...Then I collage a picture of each and every wish, goal, desired item or outcome,  and each hope for the New Year.  Each wish has a page all to itself.  I look through this book every morning and make my to do list based on what comes to mind as I review these visual desires....And you know what FIVE  have already give it a try yourself...I DARE YOU!

What you need:
Standard comp book
pva glue
magazines, and photos
words, sayings
your hopes and dreams...

Your imagination............

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