Today we are going to talk about Alternatives....AN Alternative Life! Come on dreams of 2010....What dreams, Hopes and wishes do you have for the New Year...Every Year around my Birthday I make a book of Dreams...I use a standard issue composition book you know the black and white kind...Then the magic starts....I write a list of all of the dreams, hopes and wishes I have for the year. I type it out and glue it down to the inside cover. It is like my table of contents...Then I collage a picture of each and every wish, goal, desired item or outcome, and each hope for the New Year. Each wish has a page all to itself. I look through this book every morning and make my to do list based on what comes to mind as I review these visual desires....And you know what FIVE have already give it a try yourself...I DARE YOU!
What you need:
Standard comp book
pva glue
magazines, and photos
words, sayings
your hopes and dreams...
Your imagination............
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