Wednesday, April 11, 2007

creating every day...mandalas

I have found the only way to keep the juices flowing, and to become creative is to do something creative every day. Now, I know as well as you do that every day does not feel creative...but on those days I just draw a mandala. Okay, why a mandala...because it is freehand, takes no thought, I just draw whatever pops into my head, and it gives me a read on what's going on in my head-my predominate underlying mood. Yep-I can source out the root of my creative block, or any block for that matter. So when you are having one of those days, are rushed and feel like you don't have time to create just draw a can also color them by pulling up a mandala coloring sheet from the web-just type in mandala..
Here are a few of my mandala really are fun to do...And let's say you are feeling poopy...just draw a mandala that signifies beauty, goodness, and light and you know what... soon your thoughts are going in that direction. Keep to beauty, and beauty comes to you....xoxomarie

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