Friday, February 26, 2010

I'll be unable to post for a sorry!  Be back in the swing of things by March to you them...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Creative thinking Tuesday...running into Wednesday....

Looking at Creativity!  Everything new is actually a modifaction fo something that once was, or that already exists in some form. So if you want to create something new....Change it!
some principles for change are....
Simplify... many different ways can you  use something?
So now lets look at a common object and see some creative thinking principles in action....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Creative Thinking TuesDay....

Creative Thinking TuesDays!  Lets get to it!  Sometimes it is good to subtract...eliminate...size down, simplify...and in doing this it yields new ideas..Trim it down, get rid of excess, find the necessary funtion-spotlight a part, an idea that is quite simple, or a function that works in one area that can be transposed to another.  What if....Think multifunction....Hmmm..that is a useful concept.....I mean look at how many ways something can be used.....I love that idea.  What multifunctional idea do you have?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Inspiring Fashions...on the subject of minimalism

Inspirations in fashion on the subject of elimination...minimualsim...Eileen Fisher...the queen of minimalist modern fashion pieces..Simple yet creative in the way you make it your own.  I have several of her pieces and I love to adorn the jewelry I make on it, and then layer again with scarves...It just seems so elegant.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creative Tuesdays on Thursday....OOPS

Creative Tuesday on Thursady...Ooops....Lets talk about Elimination.

Thats something I need to do alot of as I went a bit overboard this month trying to buy pretty clothes for an upcoming photo shoot.  What this little excercise did for me was to help me eliminate alot of false promises in clothing and I got creative with what I own.  I also saw how much much of my stuff looked an awful lot like what I was planning on buying...Go Figure...

So here is the excercie..
What is the narrowest definition of your problem.   My porblem was I was going way...way over budget. Were there quicker solutions?  My solution was to only buy what would be useful for a long time and did not resemble in any way what I already had.  So I returned alot of stuff that just wasn't perfect.  I also looked at my old things in a new light.  Dusted them off, remade some pieces, and well GOT CREATIVE!

How else can you limit this problem?  Are there sub problems?  Well I guess I could quit buying...That is a toughie...maybe for least I am planning on storing the credit cards for lent...

What if nothing is done?  Well for me the stuff will own me instead of me owning the stuff.  Plus beacuse I promote leading a creative life...there is more to create if I am not always buying it.

Write down the problem, tuck it under your pillow and sleep on it and see what happens in the morning?
Wanna share your creative solutions to problems?  Maybe it is February and we are approaching lent...but doesn't february seem to be a month where we are either eliminating or readjusting? HMMM..maybe it is just me. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fridays...days of the catch all...spring fever

I know I dare I say spring fever...But today I will make you a bit jealous it is about 72 degrees out today, the sun is glistening off of the mountains and I am soaring in the  skies....join me...I want to share some photos that uplift my soul and make me want to soar all the higher in those big blue skies.  These are  photos that Ullabendulla had on her blog.  I just love , love , love them....!  To the photographer...bravo, bravo, bravo...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TypoGraphy ThursDays.....

Don't you just love the way people use typography to give you a visual and written expression about what they are saying.  What do you feel when you look at these?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ah...Inspirations abound in the windows of Anthropologie...

Oh, How I love store windows.  They guide you in with the stories they tell.   They are like a giant hand that points to a new reality.  Just take a look at these inspiring windows from Anthropologie...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Creative Thinking TuesDay....

Another Creative Thinking TuesDay...
Lets think in terms of themes...What themes can you build on? Can you show different aspects of one theme? Can you go in depth with a theme.  How do you interpret the theme? Can you add or take away one aspect of the theme? What happens?  I work alot in themes...exploring them, taking a month in a theme or longer to find out what it will say to me. I try to figure out what else it will offer me.....Now its your turn. What theme do you choose this week? Try it out.... you learn all sorts of interesting things...Good Luck.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday inspirations-Michella Sorrentino

WOW....more great art...I love her use of lines and texture....Thanks Dear ada...your site is an inspiration...Michella your art is an inspritation!