Saturday, August 7, 2010

The sketchbook Project....

This looks like so much fun..I had to start work on it right away.  You buy a sketchbook, and pick a theme...then start working...every day..little turtle steps...and wha la  a beautiful sketchbook that you will send to them no later than January 15th.  It will then tour the US and land at the Brooklyn art library. But don't let me be the one to tell you..check it our for yourself.  I'll post as I work on the sketchbook..just so you can be a part.. I will tell you my theme once I get it started-or maybe I will make you guess.....xoThe Sketchbook Project: 2011


Kristin Forbes-Mullane said...

nice! I'm taking part in the sketchbook project too! (now lets just hope I dont put it off until the last minute!)

marie french said...

Awesome! It is a great idea!! Have fun!